books by author
A. E.

Geology And Scenery in England And Wales (Pelican)

Safety Systems Reliability

Poems of This Century

Social Work Research and the Analysis of Social Data: Social Work Division

(Ed.) Black Papers on Education

Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia Vol 8 The Universe.: v. 8

Theoretical geomorphology

Doris Day: Her Own Story

Companion to the New Testament: N.E.B.

A Shropshire Lad

People, Places and Landscapes: Social Change in High Amenity Rural Areas: 14 (Landscape Series, 14)

The Distribution of Prime Numbers: 30 (Cambridge Mathematical Library)

Problems of Long Term Imprisonment: 58 (Cambridge Studies in Criminology)

Believing and Belonging: The Practice of Believing in the Church

Poetry Criticism and Practice: Developments Since the Symbolists (Casebook S.)

Theology in the City: A Theological Response to "Faith in the City"

God Incarnate: Story and Belief

Jesus and the Constraints of History

Weapon Shops of Isher

Poetry and Prose: A Selection

English Poetry: Select Bibliographical Guides

Sophia, Living and Loving: Her Own Story

The Collected Poems of A. E. Housman

Jesus on Trial

Something Overheard: Introduction to the New Testament

Astronomy - Principles and Practice

Midnight Phone Calls (Clue Books)

The Nature of Things (Penguin Classics)

Companion to the New Testament: N.E.B.