books by author
A. N.

Incline Our Hearts

Hearing Voices (The Lampitt papers)

Hilaire Belloc: A Biography

Hitler: A Short Biography


A Life of John Milton

The Swansea Trial: Body Compostion and Metabolic Studies with a Very-Low-Calorie Diet (VLCD)

The Potter's Hand

The Rise and Fall of the House of Windsor

Love Unknown

C.S.Lewis: A Biography

Dracula (World's Classics S.)

Paul: The Mind of the Apostle

A Bottle in the Smoke

Chirality in Industry: The Commercial Manufacture and Applications of Optically Active Compounds

Wise Virgin

A Bottle in the Smoke

A Bottle in the Smoke

A Watch in the Night: 5 (The Lampitt chronicles)

Dream Children

Chirality in Industry II: Developments in the Commercial Manufacture and Applications of Optically Active Compounds: Developments in the Manufacture and Applications of Optically Active Compounds

The Tabitha Stories

Stray (Older Childrens Fiction)

The Vicar of Sorrows

C. S. Lewis: A Biography (Flamingo S.)

C. S. Lewis: A Biography

Iris Murdoch Biography

The Victorians

The Healing Art