books by author
A. Norman

W.B.Yeats: The Love Poems

Dictionary of British and Irish Authors (York Handbooks S.)

O'Brien Pocket History of Irish Writers (Pocket Books)

Poems of W.B. Yeats: A New Selection

Selected Plays

York Notes on Geoffrey Chaucer's "Pardoner's Tale" (Longman Literature Guides)

Gonne-Yeats Letters, 1893-1938: Always Your Friend

Evelyn Waugh, "Decline and Fall": Notes (York Notes)

A Jewish Childhood

An Irish Childhood

Selected Poetry (A Pan classic)

Irish Childhoods: An Anthology

W.B.Yeats: The Love Poems (Poetry)

Notes on Dickens' "Our Mutual Friend" (York Notes)

William Shakespeare, "King Henry IV, Pt.1": Notes (York Notes)

William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra": Notes (York Notes)

York Notes on William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra (Longman Literature Guides)

Psychology Of Everyday Things

The Literature of the United States of America (The History of Literature)