books by author
A. R.

The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama (Cambridge Companions to Literature)

Anna Karenina: In 100 Sketches

UK Economy: A Manual of Applied Economics

King Henry IV

Financial Accounting Manual: v. 1: An Instructional Manual for Professional Level Students

Introduction to Old Norse

Selected Sermons of George Whitefield: With an Introduction and Notes (Classic Reprint)

Clinical Optics Third Edition

Prest and Coppock's UK Economy: A Manual of Applied Economics

Ciliates, The (University Library)

The Angel of Elydria

Excursion Flora of the British Isles Plastic Cover

Environment and Earth Observation: Case Studies in India (Springer Remote Sensing/Photogrammetry)

Modern Philosophy: Introduction

Economic and Palaeoceanographic Significance of Contourite Deposits (Geological Society Special Publications)

UK Economy: A Manual of Applied Economics

Financial Accounting Manual: v. 2: An Instructional Manual for Professional Level Students

Favourite Lakeland Recipes: Traditional Country Fare (Favourite Recipes)

Oxford Book of Trees

Oxford Book of Trees

Bio-dynamic Farming Practice

Much Ado About Nothing (The Arden Shakespeare)

King John: The Oxford Shakespeare (Oxford World's Classics)

A History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire Volume 2

The Seine

Financial Accounting (Complete Course Texts)

STAYING HEALTHY (Health and Fitness)

Last Otter, The

Macbeth (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)