books by author

Organotransition Metal Chemistry: Rsc: 07 (Tutorial Chemistry Texts, Volume 7)

Reactions and Characterization of Solids: 2 (Tutorial Chemistry Texts, Volume 2)

Macroeconomics, Global Edition

Macroeconomics: Global Edition

Farmyard Boogie ('Flip the Flap' Board Book)

Opposites (Headstart S.)

Two Bears in the Park

Cognitively Inspired Audiovisual Speech Filtering: Towards an Intelligent, Fuzzy Based, Multimodal, Two-Stage Speech Enhancement System: 5 (SpringerBriefs in Cognitive Computation, 5)

Ancient Views on the Origins of Life

Looking into Nature's Secrets

The Signs Reader: Women, Gender, and Scholarship

Organic Synthetic Methods: Volume 12 (Tutorial Chemistry Texts)

Peptides and Proteins: 15 (Tutorial Chemistry Texts, Volume 15)

Tickly Tiger (Little Stars S.)

The Abel & Cole Cookbook: Easy, seasonal, organic

Structure and Bonding: 5 (Tutorial Chemistry Texts, Volume 5)

Man is the Measure (Cordial Invitation to the Central Problems of Philosophy)

Writing and Sexual Difference

Opposites (Headstart S.)

Fairy Petals: Fairy Show

Macroeconomics: International Edition

The Sky at Night: How to Read the Solar System: A Guide to the Stars and Planets

Fairy Petals: Fairy Holiday

More Easy Keyboard Tunes (Usborne Tunebooks S.)

What Would Bear Wear?

Flip Flap Farm (Usborne Flip Flap Board Books)

Start Reading: Me and My Family: Me and My Nan

Fairy Petals: Fairy Parade

The Karate Princess in Monsta Trouble (Crackers)