books by author

Beyond the Stable State: Public And Private Learning in a Changing Society (Pelican S.)

Who's in the Loo?

Directors' Disqualification: Law and Practice

Access to Politics: The Government & The Economy

Integrated Care Pathways: A Practical Approach to Implementation

Meanings into Words Upper-intermediate Student's book: An Integrated Course for Students of English

Revolution! The French Revolution

The Modern Law of Evidence

The Modern Law of Evidence

Doing and Writing Qualitative Research

People Management and Development (UK Higher Education Business Human Resourcing)

As Level English - Language, Language and Literature, Literature: A Coursebook for the New Specifications (Wordsworth education)

Grandad's Gang

First Aid Handbook

Nelson Mandela (Great Lives)

The Thames from Above (From Above S.)

Who Was...Napoleon: The Little General Who Wanted to Rule the World

Tabloid Century: The Popular Press in Britain, 1896 to the present (Peter Lang Ltd.)

Jesus, God's Gift at Christmas

The Drawings of Roger Hilton

Advanced Processing and Printing (B & W Photo-lab) (B & W Photo-lab S.)

Macmillan Books for Teachers: Sound Foundations

English for Writing Research Papers (English for Academic Research)

Hot Cakes (Oxford Playscripts S.)

Relationships: the truth (Teenage Health Freak)

Human Resource Management at Work (UK Higher Education Business Management)

Strategic Human Resource Management: Contemporary Issues

Language Teacher's Voice (Teacher Development Series)

Pirates of Barbary: Corsairs, Conquests, and Captivity in the Seventeenth-Century Mediterranean