books by author

Quasar Quartz Quest (Younger fiction paperbacks)

Perseus Slays the Gorgon Medusa (Graphic Mythical Heroes)

The Battle for Gold Digger's Forest (Yellow storybook set)

Count Karlstein: or The Ride of the Demon Huntsman

Ooh La Booga Bomp (Pandas)

Rhyming Riddles (Cambridge Reading)

No Country

Secret of the Terrible Hand: 1 (Orchard Readalones)

A Treasury of Ballet Stories (Treasuries)

Un Deux Trois (Dual Language French/English)

DFC Library: The Boss

My Big Brother JJ

Bertie Rooster (Panda Cubs)

The Kingfisher Treasury of Princess Stories (Treasury of Stories)

Mr. Pam Pam and the Hullabazoo

Going to School (Cambridge Reading)