books by author
Alan S.
Sports Slump Busting: 10 Steps to Mental Toughness and Peak Performance
Essentials of WISC–IV Assessment (Essentials of Psychological Assessment)
Development of the Economies of Continental Europe, 1850-1914
Unlock Level 4 Reading, Writing, & Critical Thinking Student’s Book, Mob App and Online Workbook w/ Downloadable Video
British Examinations: Techniques of Analysis
Economics: Principles and Policies
Advances in the Use of NOAA AVHRR Data for Land Applications: Based on the Lectures Given During the Eurocourse on 'Advances in the Use of AVHRR Data ... 6-12, 1993 (Eurocourses: Remote Sensing)
Partisan Families: The Social Logic of Bounded Partisanship in Germany and Britain (Cambridge Studies in Public Opinion and Political Psychology)
Computer Aided Software Engineering: Using Software Development Tools
The Master Swing Trader: Tools and Techniques to Profit from Outstanding Short-Term Trading Opportunities (PROFESSIONAL FINANCE & INVESTM)
The Art of Buying Art
Intelligent Testing with the WISC–III (Wiley Series on Personality Processes)
Local Projects in Advanced Level Geography
Behavioural Assessment: A Practical Handbook (General Psychology S.)
How to Choose Your Bible Wisely (Bible Students)
Lessons from the Sandbox: Using the 13 Gifts of Childhood to Rediscover the Keys to Business Success (CLS.EDUCATION)
War, Economy and Society, 1939-45 (History of World Economics in 20th Century S.)
Essentials of WAIS-IV Assessment (Essentials of Psychological Assessment)
Computer Aided Software Engineering: Using Software Development Tools (Wiley Professional Computing)
Essentials of WAIS-III Assessment (Essentials of Psychological Assessment)
Economics: Principles and Policy
After the Music Stopped: The Financial Crisis, the Response, and the Work Ahead
War,Economy And Society 1939-1945 (Pelican History of World Economics in 20th Century S.)
Signals and Systems