books by author
Alexander McCall Smith

The Right Attitude To Rain (Isabel Dalhousie) Book 3

The Man with the Silver Saab

Conkers - Hari and His Electric Feet

Alexander McCall Smith's Marvellous Mix-ups

The Sands of Shark Island: A School Ship Tobermory Adventure (Book 2)

The Perfect Hamburger

Max Champion and the Great Race Car Robbery

The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency

The Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon

Love in the Time of Bertie: A 44 Scotland Street Novel

The Peppermint Tea Chronicles

The Geometry of Holding Hands: An Isabel Dalhousie Novel (13)

The Geometry of Holding Hands: An Isabel Dalhousie Novel (13)

Tea Time For The Traditionally Built (No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency) Book 10

Tea Time For The Traditionally Built

The Dog Who Came In From The Cold

The Perfect Hamburger and Other Delicious Stories

Excellent Women

The Sunday Philosophy Club

The Comfort Of Saturdays

The Department of Sensitive Crimes: A Detective Varg novel

The Handsome Man's De Luxe Café (No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency) Book 15: No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency 15

The Cowgirl Aunt of Harriet Bean
The Perfect Hamburger

Teacher Trouble

Harriet Bean and the League of Cheats

The Five Lost Aunts of Harriet Bean

The Bubblegum Tree (Young Hippo Adventure S.)

The Limpopo Academy Of Private Detection