books by author

Amanda Askew

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Discovery Explore Your World: Earth's Wonders

By Amanda Askew

Explore Your World: Awesome Amazing Nature

By Amanda Askew


By Amanda Askew

Sleeping Beauty

By Askew, Amanda Askew


By Amanda Askew

The Invisible world of ocean life

By Amanda Askew

People Who Help Us: Police Officer

By Amanda Askew, Andrew Crowson

Recycling (Green Kids)

By Neil Morris, Amanda Askew, Wendy Horobin

Discovery Explore Your World: Speed Machines

By Amanda Askew

Diggers (Mighty Machines)

By Amanda Askew


By Amanda Askew

fire fighter

By Amanda Askew


By Amanda Askew


By Amanda Askew

Discover the Savage World (Discovery Channel)

By Simon Adams, Camilla de la Bedoyere, Ian Graham, Steve Parker, Phil Steele, Clint Twist, Amanda Askew

Wildlife Explorers' Handbook: Ultimate Identification Guide

By Mike Dilger, Amanda Askew, Barbara Taylor

Sleeping Beauty

By Amanda Askew


By Amanda Askew

Goldie Locks and the Three Bears

By Amanda Askew

Discover the Awesome World (Discovery Channel) (Discover the World S.)

By Camilla de la Bedoyere, John Farndon, Ian Graham, Richard Platt, Amanda Askew

Saving Energy (Green Kids)

By Neil Morris, Amanda Askew, Wendy Horobin

QED Mighty machines: Diggers

By Amanda Askew

Diggers (Mighty Machines)

By Amanda Askew

Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Storytime Classics)

By Amanda Askew

Firefighter (People Who Help Us)

By Amanda Askew, Andrew Crowson

Doctor (People Who Help Us)

By Amanda Askew, Andrew Crowson

Discover the Extreme World (Discovery Channel) (Discover the World S.)

By Camilla de la Bedoyere, John Farndon, Steve Parker, Stewart Ross, Philip Steele, Amanda Askew

Saving Water (Green Kids)

By Neil Morris, Amanda Askew, Wendy Horobin


By Amanda Askew