books by author
Amnesty International

A Poke in the Eye (With a Sharp Stick): Amnesty Presents the Best of the Secret Policeman's Ball


Broken Bodies, Shattered Minds: Torture and Ill Treatment of Women (Amnesty International Series on Torture)

Amnesty International Report 2001

Amnesty International Report 2000

The UN and refugees' human rights: a manual on how UN human rights mechanisms can protect the rights of refugees

Prisoners without a Voice: Asylum Seekers Detained in the U.K.

Playing Human Pinball: Home Office Practice in "Safe Third Country" Asylum Cases

Freedom to Express Yourself: An Inspirational Notebook

Most Vulnerable of All: The Treatment of Unaccompanied Refugee Children in the UK

China: Political Repression and Abuses of Power

Know Your Rights: and Claim Them

Freedom: Short Stories Celebrating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Gabon - Deni de justice au cours d'un proces

We Are All Born Free: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Pictures

A Glimpse of Hell: Reports on Torture Worldwide
Uganda: The Failure to Safeguard Human Rights

Breaking the Silence: Human Rights Violations Based on Sexual Orientation

We are All Born Free

The Amnesty International Handbook

Rough Justice: The Law and Human Rights in the Russian Federation

The State of the World's Human Rights (Amnesty International Report S.)

Amnesty International Report 2013: The State of the World's Human Rights

Free?: Stories Celebrating Human Rights

Free? : Stories Celebrating Human Rights

We Are All Born Free: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Pictures

Dreams of Freedom

Sex, Love and Homophobia: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Lives (A-Z)

Report 1980