books by author

Oxford: A Pocket Souvenir (Cotman-color)

Questionnaire Design and Attitude Measurement (Heinemann books on sociology)

The Caretaker (York Notes)

The Nun's Priest's Tale (York Notes)

Look Back in Anger (York Notes)

Tell Us the Story: Using the Old Testament Today

Richard II (York Notes)

Atlas of British Overseas Expansion

York Notes on Jane Austen's Mansfield Park

Robinson Crusoe (York Notes)

York Notes On Richard III

Whose World? (Pocket Books)

York Notes on Selected Poems of Wilfred Owen

Complete Verse

The Elizabethans

Magic Ring: Russian Folktales

Life of Dante (Hesperus Classics)

The Elderly (Treatment in Clinical Medicine)

York Notes on "Wide Sargasso Sea" by Jean Rhys

Farming Systems of the World

The Glass Menagerie (York Notes)

The Rainbow (York Notes)

A Life Of Walter Scott: The Laird of Abbotsford

Persuasion (York Notes)

Sons and Lovers (York Notes)

Vanity Fair (York Notes)

Paul: The Mind of the Apostle

As You Like It (York Notes)

Jude the Obscure (York Notes)