books by author
Andre Amstutz
Mrs Lather's Laundry
The Black Cat
Bumps in the Night
The Chost Train
Give the Dog a Bone
THe Pet Shop
Master Money the Millionaire
Master Salt the Sailors' Son

Tom's Hats
Dinosaur Dreams
Master Track's train
Mrs Lather's Laundry
Master Track's train

Funnybones: The Ghost Train

Tom's Hats (Blue Bananas S.)

Chicken, Chips and Peas (Fast Fox, Slow Dog)

Bunch of Baddies: Captain Midnight and the Granny Bag
mrs. lather's laundry

Funnybones: The Black Cat

Funnybones: The Pet Shop

Ten in a Bed
Give the Dog a Bone

Dinosaur Dreams (Funnybones)
Ten in a Bed

Skeleton Crew (Funnybones)
give the dog a bone

Master Salt the Sailors' Son [Happy Families Series]

Mystery Tour (Funnybones)