books by author
Andrew Solway


From Sunlight to Blockbuster Movies: An energy journey through the world of light

Deadly Spiders and Scorpions (Wild Predators)
Latin America and the Caribbean

Wild Predators Killer Cats

The Human Body: Investigating an Unexplained Death

Deadly Snakes
Sharks and other fish

Your Body: Inside and Out: Food and Digestion

Quantum Leaps and Big Bangs: A History of Astronomy

Hidden Life: Whats Living In Your Bedroom

Castle Under Siege!

Classifying Living Things: Classifying Fish (Classifying Living Things)

Killer Fish (Wild Predators)

What's Living in Your Classroom (Hidden Life)

What's Living in Your Bedroom (Hidden Life)

Discovering the Universe: Ptolemy's Spheres to Parallel Universes (Chain Reactions)

Can We Travel to the Stars? Space Flight and Space Exploration (Stargazers' Guides)

Stargazer Guide: What's inside a Black Hole? Deep Space Objects and Mysteries

Classifying Amphibians (Classifying Living Things)

Classifying Reptiles (Classifying Living Things)

Classifying Mammals (Classifying Living Things)

Classifying Birds (Classifying Living Things)

Modern Dance

Classifying Living Things: Classifying Mammals (Classifying Living Things)

Latin American & the Caribbean (World of Music)

Adaptation and Competition (Life Science: In Depth)

Variation and Classification (Life Science: In Depth)

Inheritance and Selection (Life Science: In Depth)