books by author
Andrew Wilson

Are You Sitting Comfortably?: Self-help Guide for Sufferers of Back Pain, Neck Strain, Headaches, RSI and Other Associated Health Problems by Andrew Wilson (1994-09-05)

Echoes of Exodus: Tracing Themes of Redemption through Scripture

Heron Garden Paintings

"Observer" Atlas of World Affairs: A Guide to Major Tensions and Conflicts

And God said
A Talent for Murder

Living with Glasnost

Shadow of the Titanic: The Extraordinary Stories of Those Who Survived
Applied Pharmacology

GodStories: Explorations in the Gospel of God
Applied Pharmacology

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Book 1): Ancient Greek Edition

If God, Then What?: Wondering Aloud About Truth, Origins And Redemption
Practical Meat Inspection


Deluded by Dawkins? A Christian Response to the God Delusion

Alexander McQueen: Blood Beneath the Skin