books by author

Critical Issues in Reproductive Health: 33 (The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, 33)

Development and the Debt Trap

The Last Wish: Introducing the Witcher - Now a major Netflix show

Double Vision

Blood of Elves: Witcher 1 – Now a major Netflix show (The Witcher)

The Last Wish: Introducing the Witcher - Now a major Netflix show

The Tower of Fools: From the bestselling author of THE WITCHER series comes a new fantasy (The Hussite Trilogy)

The Tower of the Swallow

Programs as Data Objects: Second Symposium, PADO 2001, Aarhus, Denmark, May 21-23, 2001, Proceedings: 2053 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2053)

Sword of Destiny: Tales of the Witcher – Now a major Netflix show

Conversations with God: Jan Matejko's Copernicus

Introducing Walter Benjamin: A Graphic Guide (Graphic Guides)

Thermodynamics for Chemists, Physicists and Engineers

Acoustical Imaging: Volume 31 (Acoustical Imaging, 31)

Time of Contempt: Witcher 2 – Now a major Netflix show (The Witcher)

Foundations of the Theory of Parthood: A Study of Mereology: 54 (Trends in Logic, 54)

Current Perspectives on the TESOL Practicum: Cases from around the Globe: 40 (Educational Linguistics, 40)

Action Replay (Kestrel poetry)

The Last Wish: Introducing the Witcher - Now a major Netflix show

Blood of Elves: Witcher 1 – Now a major Netflix show (The Witcher)

Baptism of Fire: Witcher 3 – Now a major Netflix show (The Witcher)

Encyclopedia of Organizational Change Methods

Thermodynamics for Chemists, Physicists and Engineers

The Master and Margarita: A Graphic Novel (Eye Classics)

Why is the Sky?

Organizational Behaviour: An Introductory Text