books by author
Aristotle's Poetics Demetrius on Style
Aristotle the Politics

The Categories

Posterior Analytics

Physics, Volume I: Books 1-4 (Loeb Classical Library 228)

De Anima: Bks. II & III with Certain Passages from Bk. 1 (Clarendon Aristotle Series)

Categories and De Interpretatione (Clarendon Aristotle Series)

The Nicomachean Ethics (Great Books in Philosophy)

Prior Analytics (Everyman's Library)

The Nicomachean Ethics (Thrift Editions)

Physics (Oxford World's Classics)

Politics (Hackett Classics)

Gamma, Delta, Epsilon (Bks. 4-6) (Clarendon Aristotle Series)
The Nicomachean Ethics

The Nicomachean Ethics: Artistotle (Penguin Classics)

The Art of Rhetoric (Collins Classics)

On Poetry and Style

The Nicomachean Ethics

The Politics of Aristotle (Galaxy Books)

The Politics
The Politics

The Nicomachean Ethics

Nicomachean Ethics and Politics

Posterior Analytics (Clarendon Aristotle Series)

The Metaphysics (Penguin Classics)

The Politics (Oxford World's Classics)