books by author

La Poussière des corons

"Les grandes vacances" d'un gosse de 20 ans en Algérie - 1957-1958-1959

Classic Poems for Children (Classic Fairy Tales)

Histoire des théories de la communication (Nouvelle édition) (Repères)

Marketing & publicité en 20 dossiers

Timbo Makes a Splash! (The adventures of Timbo the Tractor)

Believe in Ourselves (Little Books)

Penser les médias

For My Daughter (Little Books)

The Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain (Hitler's Forces Series)

Les Essentiels Milan: Le Nucleaire, Progres Ou Danger?

Chateaux of the Loire Valley

Boulevard Durand

La maîtresse d'école

Adventures of Timbo the Tractor: Timbo's Great Fright! (The adventures of Timbo the Tractor)

Adventures of Timbo the Tractor: Timbo's Great Fright! (The adventures of Timbo the Tractor)

Timbo to the Rescue!

Timbo to the Rescue!

Timbo and the Little Lost Foal

Positive Thoughts: Living Your Life to the Fullest (Quote-a-Page Gift Books)

Positive Thoughts: Living Your Life to the Fullest (Quote-a-Page Gift Books)

Management Revolution: Management Consultancy and Computer-aided Decision Making

Honoré De Balzac: Essai Sur L'homme Et Sur L'oeuvre