books by author

Artists (Level 4) (Reading for Learning)

GCSE Success Revision - Additional Science Higher (GCSE Success Revision Guides)

Wesker Plays, Vol.4: Shlylock And Other Plays:The Journalist;the Wedding Feast;Shylock (Penguin Plays and Screenplays)

Computing with Windows 7 for the Older and Wiser: Get Up and Running on Your Home PC (The Third Age Trust (U3A)/Older & Wiser)

Ugly Bugs (Horrible Science)

House of Horrors (Horrible Science)

Chambers Card Games for One

First Big Crush: The Down and Dirty on Making Great Wine Down Under

The Financial Times Guide to Investing: The definitive companion to investment and the financial markets (The FT Guides)

Praying with the Martyrs (The praying with series)

15 Days of Prayer with Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Book of World Soccer

Book of Dates: Chronology of World History (The kingfisher)

The Encyclopedia of Wire Jewellery Techniques: A compendium of step-by-step techniques for making beautiful jewellery

Teacher's Book (Nursery and Reception/P1) (Sounds of Music)

The Compendium of Games

The Essential Matthew Arnold

Science Higher (Key Stage 3 Success Guides S.)

Card Games for One

A Colour Atlas of Diabetes

BIOS Instant Notes in Chemistry for Biologists

Time for English Rdr 5a:The Good Ki


Washing Day (Read Together S.)

Two Little Birds (Read Together S.)

Fearsome Fight for Flight (Horrible Science)

Choose Life: A Dialogue (Echoes and Reflections Series)

The Early Christians: In Their Own Words

Be Not Afraid: Overcoming the Fear of Death