books by author

Language in the Junior School (Explorations in language study)

Language Policy in the Primary School: Content and Management

Schools (Then and Now)

The Calm Birth Method: Your Complete Guide to a Positive Hypnobirthing Experience

Guy Fawkes (British History Makers)

The Weight Watchers Merry Christmas Book


Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt (Gods & Goddesses S.)

King Henry VIII (British History Makers)

British History Makers: Horatio Nelson

English Literature: Exam Success without the Stress (Alternative GCSE Guides)

Queen Victoria (British History Makers)

Basic Engineering Craft Studies: General (01)

Success at School: Practising Your Maths Year 2 (6-7) (Success at School S.)

Key Stage 3 (Practical Activities, Investigations and Games)

Trench Warfare 1914-1918 (Pan Grand Strategy Series)

British History Makers: Queen Victoria

British History Makers: Oliver Cromwell

Winston Churchill (British History Makers S.)

Original Low Point Recipes (Weight Watchers S.)

The Tourist-Historic City (Advances in Tourism Research)

British History Makers: King Henry VIII

William Shakespeare (British History Makers)

High-temperature Metamorphism and Crustal Anatexis: 2 (The Mineralogical Society Series, 2)

How To Beat The System: How to Unravel the Red Tape of Bureaucracy and Come out on Top

Weight Watchers More Meals in Minutes

Once in a House on Fire

Winston Churchill (British History Makers)

Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece (Gods & Goddesses S.)