books by author

Psychology in Progress: Readings from "Scientific American"

Lectures on Public Economics

The Prehistoric Temples of Stonehenge and Avebury

Wales (Lonely Planet Country Guides)

The Creation Memos

The Slow Cooker Recipe Book

Introduction to Psychology

Modern Certificate Chemistry

Life and Death: Moral Choices at the Beginning and End of Life

When will there be good news?

Including Lower Achievers in the Maths Lesson Year 6: Year 6

Including Lower Achievers in the Maths Lesson Year 1: Year 1

Principles of Anatomy and Oral Anatomy for Dental Students

Animals at Night (Kingfisher explorer books)

The Official Queens Park Rangers Annual 2016

Planet Earth (Granada guides)

Age 10-11 Mental Maths (Hodder Home Learning)

Age 5-6 Maths (Hodder Home Learning)

Pride and Prejudice: No. 1 (Pocket Classics)
NCM Module 3 Pupil's book 2 (New Cambridge Mathematics)

United Kingdom


Life After Life: The global bestseller, now a major BBC series

The Body: 14 (Readers in Cultural Criticism)

Including Lower Achievers in the Maths Year 4

The Observer's Book of Rocks And Minerals (Observer's Pocket S.)

Age 9-10 Mental Maths (Hodder Home Learning)

Weights and Measures (Secrets of Science S.)

Measuring Sustainable Development: Macroeconomics and the Environment