books by author

German Home Baking

Einführung in die katholische Kirchenmusik: Ein Überblick über die Geschichte

August Strindberg's One-Act Plays: A Selection

The People of Hemso: A Story from the Islands

Miss Julie (Dover Thrift Editions)

Farts Around World: A Spotter's Guide

The Lurker at the Threshold

Miss Julie (Dover Thrift Editions)

Miss Julie (Drama Classics) (Nick Hern Books Drama Classics)

Inferno From an Occult Diary (Penguin Classics)

Julie: After Strindberg (Faber Drama)

Macroeconomics Demystified: A Self-teaching Guide

Strindberg: Five Plays

Inside the Red Mansion: On The Trail of China's Most Wanted Man

Six Plays Of Strindberg - The Father, Miss Julie, The Stronger, Easter, A Dream Play & The Ghost Sonata

The Forest of Moon and Sword

The Black-Out Book: One-hundred-and-one black-out nights' entertainment (General Military)

Sleeping It Off in Rapid City

Strindberg Plays: 2: Dream Play; Dance of Death; The Stronger: Plays Two: A Dream Play/The Dance of Death/The Stronger: v.2 (World Classics)

The Father (Set books)