books by author

The Cow That Laid An Egg

Quacky Quack-quack!

Herbie Monkey (Read Me)

Ella and the Naughty Lion (Picture Mammoth S.)

The Best Cow in Show: Book & CD

A Funny Sort of Dog (Yellow Banana Books)

Denzil the Dog-polisher

A Hiccup on the High Seas (Jets)

The Oxford Essential Guide to the English Language

You'll Soon Grow, Alex

Dustbin Dad

The Somethingosaur

The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang (Oxford Reference S.)

Monster And Frog and the Slippery Wallpaper

My Friend Joe: Band 00/Lilac (Collins Big Cat)

Mr Beast

Star Striker Titch

Monster And Frog and the All-In-Together Cake


Brewer's Britain and Ireland

The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang

You'll Soon Grow, Alex (Picture Books)

An A to Z of Food & Drink (Oxford Paperback Reference)

Where’s Tim’s Ted?

Where Teddy Bears Come From

Movers and Shakers: A chronology of words that shaped our age

Good English!

Twentieth Century Words

Ella and the Naughty Lion