books by author

Management and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zone Environments

Teachers' (Bk. 1) (Oliver & Boyd Geography)

Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple

Beginning Yoga Class

History of the Reformation in Germany to 1555 (History of Christian Church)

Unit GR3 (Course M336)

The Trouble with Mum

Ernest in England

Electricity and Magnetism

Ethics and Law for the Dental Team

Solutions Manual (Accounting Theory and Practice)

Total Intravenous Anaesthesia (Monographs in Anaesthesiology S.)

General Medicine Radiology: Clinical Cases

Information and Control in the Living Organism

The Georgics

Inside Visual Studio .NET 2003

Popular Folk Tales

The Butterflies of Britain and Europe (Collins handguides)

Cat, the Bird and the Tree (Breakthrough to Literacy)

Polymers at Interfaces

Growth, Dissolution and Pattern Formation in Geosystems

Rock Stress and Its Measurement

Web Work: Information Seeking and Knowledge Work on the World Wide Web: 1 (Information Science and Knowledge Management, 1)

Guide to Understanding the Micro (Usborne Computers & Electronics)

See Under: Love

Dyslexia Toolkit - a Resource for Students and Their Tutors (OTT open teaching toolkit)

Methods in Aquatic Bacteriology: v. 1 (Modern Microbiological Methods)

Bulking of Activated Sludge: Preventive and Remedial Methods

Stage Fright (Too Ghoul for School)