books by author
B. J.

The Book With No Pictures

Glass (Materials Science)

Ceramics (Materials Science)

The River Book

Jewish Synagogue

Hindu Mandir

Plastics (Materials Science)

Construction Science: v. 2

Uplift, Erosion and Stability (Geological Society of London Special Publications)

Bradford's Guide to Solving Crosswords: Cracking the Code

The Book With No Pictures: B.J. Novak

1986 (v. 3) (Oxford Surveys of Plant Molecular and Cell Biology)

The Romans in Britain

Hindu Mandir

Thorns and Thrones

Environmental Science (Longman Technician Series)

Viking Raiders and Settlers

The Volcanoes and Earthquakes Book (Curriculum Visions)

Metals (Materials Science)

Organophosphorus Chemistry (Penguin education)

Electric Power Systems

Materials in Construction: An Introduction: T. E. C. Level 2 (Longman technician series)

Solving Cryptic Crosswords: How to Crack Those Cryptic Clues

Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry (Heyden programmed texts)

BASIC Programming: An Instructional Manual

Introductory PASCAL (First Course S.)

Modula-2 Programming (Complete Course Texts)

Organization Theory: A Strategic Approach

Dyes, Paints and Adhesives (Materials Science)