books by author
The Century
In Praise Of Love
Le Siècle
Peut-on penser la politique ?
Saint Paul: La fondation de l'universalisme (Collection Les essais du Collège international de philosophie)
Que faire ?: Dialogue sur le communisme, le capitalisme et l'avenir de la démocratie.
Being and Event
Jacques Lacan, Past and Present: A Dialogue
Concept and Form, Volume 2: Interviews and essays on Cahiers pour l'Analyse (Concept and Form: Interviews and Essays on Cahiers Pour L'analyse)
Number and Numbers
Concept and Form, Volume 1: Selections from the Cahiers pour l'Analyse (Concept and Form: Selections from Cahiers Pour L'analyse)
Manifesto for Philosophy: Followed by Two Essays: "the (Re)Turn of Philosophy Itself" and "Definition of Philosophy" (Suny Series, Intersections, Philosophy and Critical Theory)