books by author

What's Next?: Even Scientists Can’t Predict the Future – or Can They?

Alice in Wonderland (Picture Storybooks)

Wonders Beyond Numbers: A Brief History of All Things Mathematical

Maths Programme (S Texts): Year 7 Lower Student Book (Folens Maths Programme)

Year 7 Upper Student Book (Folens Maths Programme)

Sea Fishing Properly Explained (Paperfronts S.)

Adult Way to Faith: A Practical Handbook with Resources to Photocopy (Mowbray Parish Handbooks S.)
Project X: Alien Adventures: Gold: One Step Ahead
Project X: Alien Adventures: Gold: The Crystal Planet

Secrets of Fly-fishing for Trout (Paperfronts S.)

Syria: A Historical and Architectural Guide

Arctic Showdown

Making Pottery Without a Wheel; Texture and Form in Clay

Think of a Number

Think of a Number

Learn Fabric Painting

Housing Policy and Economic Power: The Political Economy of Owner Occupation

Branches: Nature's patterns: a tapestry in three parts

Networks, new governance and education

International Business

The Eurasian Steppe: People, Movement, Ideas

The 3am Companion - Support for the newly single

Leonardo de Vinci/ Leonardo da Vinchi

Education Reform (Brown Judaic Studies; 291)

Teacher's Book (Intermediate 2) (GCSE maths)

Breath of Fresh Air

Life in a Medieval Abbey (Gatekeeper S.)

Teacher's Book (Intermediate 1) (Nelson GCSE)

Universe of Stone: Chartres Cathedral and the Triumph of the Medieval Mind