books by author

Personal Hygiene (Keeping healthy)

Eating (Keeping Healthy)

Rushing to Paradise

The Kindness of Women

Millennium People


The Day of Creation


How to Write Essays: A Practical Guide for Students

Magnets and Springs (How Does Science Work?)


Explaining: Food Allergy

Living Processes: Food Relationships and Webs

Living Processes: Plant Variation and Classification

Plant Variation and Classification (Living Processes)

Who am I?

The Discovery of the Bismarck: Germany's Greatest Battleship Surrenders

How to Write Essays: A Practical Guide for Students

Le commentaire de traduction anglaise

The Discovery Of The Titanic

The Terminal Beach

WJEC Chemistry for A2 Level: Study and Revision Guide

Le nom propre en traduction - anglais-français [français-anglais]

Empire of the Sun

How Our Bodies Work: How Do We Feel and Touch?

How Our Bodies Work: How Do We Think?

Our Search for Happiness

Exercise (Keeping healthy)

Relationships (Keeping healthy)