books by author

Introducing Psychological Research

Essential Psychology

Thinking and Problem Solving (Open Learning Units)

A Fistful of Fivers (Short plays)

Applying Skills to Psychology

Introducing Psychological Research 2nd ed: Seventy Studies That Shape Psychology

Turn But a Stone (Anthologies)

OCR Psychology for A Level Year 1 & AS

OCR Psychology: AS Core Studies and Psychological Investigations (As Core Studies & Psych/Invest)

Essential Psychology: A Concise Introduction

OCR Psychology: AS Core Studies and Research Methods

Introducing Psychological Research: Sixty Studies that Shape Psychology

The Illustrated Hitler Diary - 1917 - 1945

Natural Wonders of the World
A Packet of Crackers (Short plays)

The Equality Illusion: The Truth about Women and Men Today

Controversies in Psychology (Routledge Modular Psychology)

Psychology: Theory and Application: Theory & Application

Psychology: Theory and Application: Theory & Application

Psychology in Practice: Health (Psychology In Practice Series)