books by author

Peter Pan (Magna Fairy Tale Classics S.)

Spider's Web (Stopwatch Books)

Kabbalah Made Easy: Ancient mystical wisdom decoded for modern life

Dear Brutus - A Comedy in Three Acts: Play (Acting Edition S.)

New Media and Politics

Kites (Fresh Start S.)

Pathways to Literacy (Year 6/Stage 7) – Pathways to Poetry 2: A Literacy Anthology (Pathways S.)

Pathways to Literacy (Year 6/Stage 7) – Pathways to Non-Fiction 2: A Literacy Anthology (Pathways S.)

Pathways to Literacy (Year 3/Stage 4) – The Pied Piper (Big Books)

Key Stage 4 (Specials S.)

The Admirable Crichton

The Wind in the Willows

Papier Mache (Fresh Start S.)

Dennis the Menace a Monster Menace! (Dennis the Menace)

Management and Welfare of Farm Animals: The UFAW Farm Handbook

How My Body Works

Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens

Graded Exercises in Pure Mathematics (Graded Exercises in Advanced Level Mathematics)

Peter Pan

Peter Pan
Foundations for Reading: Fatima's Tonsils Level 17 Reading Book

Concise Dictionary of Music (Helicon arts & music)

Peter Pan (Walt Disney Classics S.)

Build Your Own Rainbow: A Workbook for Career and Life Management

Science in Action: Pupil Book 1

Science in Action: Pupil Book 2

Science: Light, Colour and Sound (Ideas Bank S.)

The Turin Shroud: The Illustrated Evidence

Peter Pan: J.M. Barrie (Everyman's Library CHILDREN'S CLASSICS)