books by author


Builder's Tool Kit (Pop Out & Play)

The Black Ship: The Quest to Recover an English Pirate Ship and Its Lost Treasure

Neofax 2005

Barry Manilow - Greatest Hits, 2nd Edition: Easy Piano Solo

Monsters: Barry Windsor-Smith

Lonely Planet Australian Language & Culture (Phrasebook)

Foucault, Marxism and Critique

The Movie Greats

Treasure Hunt (Secret Picture Search)

Understanding the Sociology of Health: An Introduction

The Best of Barry Fantoni

Field Guide to Butterflies & Moths of Britain

Oil Rig Worker (Beans)

Revise WJEC GCSE English Language for Wales Workbook: With all you need to know for your 2022 assessments

Private Eye Colemanballs No. 9

Entertaining with "Food and Drink"

The Big Food and Drink Book

The Temporary Gentleman

Our Lady of Sligo (Modern Plays)

Case Files Emergency Medicine, Third Edition (LANGE Case Files)

I Can Tie My Own Shoelaces

That's Not Fair: Resource for Exploring Moral Issues in Primary and Middle Schools

Beacon for Change: How the 1951 Festival of Britain Shaped the Modern Age

Ignatius the Theologian

Dark Places: The Haunted House in Film (Locations)

On Target: Teaching in the Target Language (Pathfinder)

Rock Day by Day

Theory and Practice in the Study of Adult Education: The Epistemological Debate (Radical Forum on Adult Education Series)