books by author

Byron: Don Juan (Landmarks of World Literature)
1 available
The Tempest (New Penguin Shakespeare S.)
1 available
A History of Spain (Palgrave Essential Histories Series)
1 available
The Original Story: God, Israel, and the World

Progressive Brain Teasing Quizzes (Paperfronts S.)

ThePig in the Pond by Waddell, Martin ( Author ) ON Jul-03-2006, Paperback

Edexcel GCSE English and English Language Access Student Book (Edexcel GCSE English 2010)

The Jane Austen Quiz Book

Love Unknown: Meditations on the Death and Resurrection of Jesus

Who We Are: A Citizenship Collection (Cambridge Collections)

Saving the Whale (Survival S.)

Zoos and Game Reserves (Survival S.)

It's Quacking Time!

The Reindeer Herder and the Moon (Read & Listen S.)

Student's Book (Bk.2) (Oxford Literacy Skills)

The Spirituality of the Gospels

Key Stage 2 (English Through Topics S.)

A A History of the Bible: The Book and Its Faiths

Ignite English: Teacher Companion 3


Shakespeare for Key Stage 3: "Romeo and Juliet", "Midsummer Night's Dream", "Julius Caesar" - Preparing Students for Key Stage 3 Tests (New Longman Literature)

Professional Learning in the Work Place for International Students: Exploring Theory and Practice: 19 (Professional and Practice-based Learning, 19)

Geomicrobiology: Molecular and Environmental Perspective

GCSE Success - GCSE Biology: Workbook: Revision Workbook (Letts GCSE Revision Success)

Vaccination: A Guide for Making Personal Choices

The Suspect: The most addictive and clever new crime thriller of 2019

All-British Quiz Book (Paperfronts S.)

HIV and AIDS (Your Questions Answered)

Rediscovering the Teaching of the Evangelists