books by author

Pocket Thesaurus

Word Origins (Wordmasters S.)

First Thesaurus (Wordmasters S.)

First Thesaurus (Wordmasters S.)

English Usage (Fun with English S.)

Pocket Thesaurus (Kingfisher pocket books)

Reptiles (Quizzer books)

Energy (Quizzer books)

Proverbs (Fun with English S.)

Aim High in Edexcel GCSE English

Assessing GCSE English: Student's Book: A Practical Approach to Writing Skills

English Usage (Wordmasters S.)

Modern Quotations (Fun with English S.)

Children's Fact Finder

New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law (Study Edition)

Grand Canyon (The Story behind the scenery)

Romeo and Juliet :

Colouring Guide to Flags and Uniforms (Colouring guides)

Fusing Fabric: Creative Cutting, Bonding and Mark-making with the Soldering Iron

Selected Literary Criticism

The Art of Teaching Art to Children

Word Games (Superbooks)

Chambers Children's Book of Words

Chambers Children's Book of Words

Proverbs (Fun with English S.)

Word Origins (Fun with English S.)

Nelson Thornes Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice Starter Pack: Student Shakespeare - The Merchant of Venice

Nelson Thornes Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet Starter Pack: Romeo and Juliet: Teacher Resource

Nelson Thornes Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice Starter Pack: The Merchant of Venice: Teacher's Resource Book: Teacher Resource