books by author

Plastics Materials: Properties And Applications

FT Mastering Enterprise: Your Single-Source Guide to Becoming an Entrepreneur ("Financial Times" Mastering)

The Small Business Casebook

The Willow Wand

Improve Your English

Life in Roman Britain (English life series)

Health Impact Assessment: Principles and Practice

A Social History of English Cricket (Sports Classics)

Fishing Forays 1992: Distinguished Companion to the Many Lochs, Loughs, Rivers and Stillwaters of Great Britain and Ireland

A Social History of English Cricket

Land of Sport and Glory: Sport and British Society, 1887-1910 (International Studies in the History of Sport)

Sport and the Making of Britain (Essex Symposia, Literature, Politics, Theory)

Playing the Game: Sport and British Society, 1910-45 (International Studies in the History of Sport)

Blogging For Dummies