books by author

Business English Recipes: A Creative Approach to Business English (Pilgrims Longman resource books)

Lessons in Chemistry: The No. 1 Sunday Times bestseller and BBC Between the Covers Book Club pick

Perfect Percy (Picture Hippo)

Lessons in Chemistry: The No. 1 Sunday Times bestseller and BBC Between the Covers Book Club pick

Sabots dans la nuit

Sunshine Books + – The Little Old Lady Who Danced on the Moon: Level 22/Gold/Band 9

Play With Triangles

Phantom Horse: No. 59 (Saddle Club)

J. K. Rowling's Wizarding World: Movie Magic Volume Three: Amazing Artifacts

Surviving Pregnancy Loss: A Complete Sourcebook for Women and Their Families

Rodeo Rider: No. 12 (Saddle Club)

Mourning: The Prelude to Laughter (Beatitudes S.)

Team Play: No. 15 (Saddle Club)

The Oxford Companion to the Year: An Exploration of Calendar Customs and Time-Reckoning (Oxford Companions)

Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine

Stage Coach: No. 37 (Saddle Club)

Starlight Christmas: No. 13 (Saddle Club)

Dream Horse: No 4 (Saddle Club Super Edition S.)

Broken Horse: No. 61 (Saddle Club)

Looking for Bigfoot (Step Into Reading - Level 4 - Quality): Step Into Reading 4
If I Ran the Rain Forest: All about Tropical Rain Forests (Cat in the Hat's Learning Library)

Saddle Club Book 10: Riding Camp

Breach of Trust

Horse Play: No. 7 (Saddle Club)

Annie Ate Apples: A Lift-The-Flap, Pull-The-Tab, Turn-The-Wheel, Pop-Up Alphabet Book

Pottery: The Technique of Throwing


A Whale of a Tale!: Book 12 (The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library)

What Is the World Cup? (What Was?)