books by author

Hilda Boswell's Treasury of Poetry

The Marriage of Likeness: Same-sex Unions in Pre-modern Europe

Treasury of Children's Stories

Good English (Test Your Child's S.)
The Life of Dr. Johnson
Life of Johnson

Representing the Nation: A Reader: Histories, Heritage, Museums

The Costumemaker's Art: Cloaks of Fantasy, Masks of Revelation

Creating Applications with Mozilla

Little Crazy Car

Third BBC TV Top Of The Form Quiz Book

Life of Samuel Johnson

The Kindness of Strangers: The Abandonment of Children in Western Europe from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance

Hilda Boswell's Treasury of Poetry (Collins Picture Lions)

Punctuation (Test Your Child's S.)
The Life of Dr Johnson

More General Knowledge (Test Your Child's S.)
Boswell's London Journal

The Garlic Farm Cook Book

Birds (Picture Reference S.)

A Children's Garden of Verses


AQA GCSE Psychology

Elizabethans to Georgians (Picture Reference S.)

Journey to the Hebrides: A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland & the Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides: "Journey to the Western Islands of ... (Canongate Classics) (Canongate Classics, 21)

Georgians (Picture Reference S.)

Allergic to Ammonia: Poems from Travelling to Work in Europe

The Marriage of Likeness: Same-sex Unions in Pre-modern Europe

Box of Tricks: Book 4 (Witch of Turlingham Academy)