books by author

The Biology of Mutualism: Ecology and Evolution

Les gros mots

Histoire et dictionnaire des guerres de religion (1559-1598)

Grammaire pour lire et écrire, CE2

Political Thinkers: From Socrates to the Present

Les bêtises

Understanding Marxism (Understanding Movements in Modern Thought)

The Charmed Circle of Ideology: A Critique of Laclau and Mouffe, Butler and Žižek (Anamnesis)

10-11 Year Olds (Bk. 1) (Exploring Mathematics)

9-10 Years (Bk. 2) (Project 7-11)

The Limits of Ethics in International Relations: Natural Law, Natural Rights, Human Rights in Transition

Henri Mouse: Juggler (Viking Kestrel picture books)

2000+ Essential French Verbs (Living Language Series)

Political Thinkers: From Socrates to the Present

Collingwood and Oakeshott: v. 8 (Collingwood & British Idealism Studies)

Political Theories Of International Relations: From Thucydides to the Present

7-8 Years (Bk. 1) (Project 7-11)

Moving on in Mathematics: 9-10 Years Bk. 1

Political Thinkers: From Socrates to the Present

10-11 Years (Bk. 2) (Project 7-11)

8-9 Years (Bk. 1) (Project 7-11)

The Autistic Spectrum: Characteristics, Causes and Practical Issues

The Six Blind Men and the Elephant - Mathematics Together: Green Book: Green Set

The Social Contract from Hobbes to Rawls

Global Climate