books by author

Strategy and Human Resource Management (Management, work & organizations)

1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die: -> see 1844034178 (E)

The Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management (Oxford Handbooks)

Me and My Alien Friend: Cosmic Poems about Friendship

1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die

Mr Trim and Miss Jumble (Walker Starters)

New Testament Interpretation (SCM Study Guide)

Strategy and Human Resource Management (Management, Work and Organisations)

1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die

Arduino Workshop: A Hands-On Introduction with 65 Projects

The Waggiest Tails: Poems written by dogs

Hugo's Hullabaloo (Walker Starters)

Bert and the Burglar (Walker Starters)

Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot-Endgame (Readers' Guides to Essential Criticism)

Drawings and Materials

Revelation: Vision and Insight: Vision and Insight - An Introduction to the Apocalypse