books by author
Brian W.

Microorganisms (Educational Use of Living Organisms)

The Canopy of Time

Genetics of Microbes (Tertiary Level Biology)

When The Feast Is Finished: A Memoir of Love and Bereavement

The Geography of Rural Change

Handbook of International Credit Management

Super-State: A Novel of a Future Europe

Somewhere East Of Life: Number 4 in series (Squire Quartet)

Forgotten Life: Number 2 in series (Squire Quartet)

Life In The West: Number 1 in series (Squire Quartet)

John Henry Newman: His Life and Work

Activities for Older People: A Practical Workbook of Art and Craft Projects

Agricultural Change in Great Britain (Contemporary Issues in Geography S.)

John Henry Newman: His Life and Work (Masters of Prayer S.)

Law of Consumer Protection and Fair Trading

Law of Consumer Protection and Fair Trading

MCQs in Primary Health Care

Samples and Standards (Analytical Chemistry by Open Learning)

The AWK Programming Language

UNIX Programming Environment (Prentice-Hall Software Series)

The C Programming Language (Prentice-Hall software series)