books by author

The Tide is Running Out: What the English Church Attendance Survey Reveals

Joined Up: An Introduction to Youth Work and Ministry (Youthwork: The Resources)

Public Life and the Place of the Church: Reflections to Honour the Bishop of Oxford

Growing Community: Making Groups Work with Young People (Youthwork: The Resources)
The best of Hans Christian Andersen

VISION BUILDING: Knowing Where You are Going

Marine Ecology: Processes, Systems, and Impacts

Major Legal Systems in the World Today

Major Legal Systems in the World Today

AJCC Cancer Staging Manual

Reaching and Keeping Teenagers

Reaching and Keeping Tweenagers

Marine Ecology: Processes, Systems, and Impacts

Christian England: Results of the 1989 English Church Census

Coming Up Trumps

Lion: A Long Way Home

Biology and the Social Crisis

Lion: A Long Way Home Young Readers' Edition

The Advertising Handbook (Media Practice)

The Elephant's Child (Just So Stories S.)

Unbelievable?: Why after ten years of talking with atheists, I'm still a Christian

Celebration Song

Celebration Song (Picture Puffin)