books by author

Peak Mathematics: Bk. 6

Peak Plus (Bk. 1) (New Peak Mathematics)

Peak Plus (. 2, Teachers') (New Peak Mathematics)

Peak Mathematics: Bk. 7

Mathematics Explorer: Bk. 5

Precedents of Wills and Life Transfers

Peak Plus (Bk. 2) (New Peak Mathematics)

Mathematics Explorer: Bk. 2

Mathematics Explorer: Bk. 3

Calculator Skills: Bk. 2 (Piccolo Practice Together S.)

Inspirations: A collection of commentaries and quotations to promote school improvement

Family Values: The Ethics of Parent-Child Relationships

New Peak Mathematics: Bk. 0

New Peak Mathematics: Bk. 4

Measuring Justice: Primary Goods and Capabilities

Mathematics Explorer: Bk. 4

New Peak Mathematics: Junior Bk.2 Pt. 1

Calculator Skills: Bk. 1 (Piccolo Practice Together S.)

Mathematics Explorer: Bk. 6

Nelson Number Skills: Bk. 4

Managing the National Curriculum: Some Critical Perspectives (British Educational Management & Administration Society)

New Peak Mathematics: Bk. 2, Pt. 2

Pupils' Book (Part 2) (New Peak Mathematics: Key Stage 2 - New Peak One)

Ans (Bk. 5) (Peak Mathematics)

Faith in Education: A tribute to Terence McLaughlin

Justice (Polity Key Concepts in the Social Sciences series)

Analgesia and Anaesthesia in Pregnancy: A Practical Guide

Hobson's Choice: A Lancashire Comedy in Four Acts (Acting Edition)

Hobson's Choice (Heinemann Plays For 14-16+)