books by author
British Medical Association

Human Genetics: Choice and Responsibility

Sex Problems in Practice
Computers in Medicine

Book of Executive Health
British National Formulary

Assessment of Mental Capacity: Guidance for Doctors and Lawyers
British National Formulary 1981
Getting Married
You and Your Baby
junior doctor's handbook
essential obstetrics and gynaecology
essential paediatric revision

Living with Risk (A Wiley medical publication)

Drugs in Sport: The Pressure to Perform
Complementary Medicine

The BMA Guide to Rabies

British National Formulary 59 March 2010

British National Formulary (BNF) 58

British National Formulary (BNF) 57

Advance Statements About Medical Treatment

A Code of Practice for the Sterilisation of Instruments and Control of Cross Infection

Handbook of Medical Ethics

The handbook of medical ethics