books by author
Changing English Primary Schools?: Impact of the Education Reform Act at Key Stage One (Cassell Education)
Introducing Profiling
Effective Assessment and the Improvement of Education: A Tribute to Desmond Nuttall
iGCSE & GCSE ESSAY WRITING GUIDE ON J.B. PRIESTLEY'S AN INSPECTOR CALLS: Especially for assignments on social attitudes & collective responsibility
GCSE REVISION NOTES FOR JOHN STEINBECK'S OF MICE AND MEN - Study guide: All chapters, page-by-page analysis
GCSE REVISION NOTES FOR CHARLES DICKENS'S A CHRISTMAS CAROL - Study guide: (All staves, page-by-page analysis)
9-1 GCSE REVISION NOTES for GEORGE ORWELL'S ANIMAL FARM: Study guide (All chapters, page-by-page analysis)
GCSE REVISION NOTES FOR WILLIAM GOLDING'S LORD OF THE FLIES - Study guide: All chapters, page-by-page analysis
Super Sam: Band 04/Blue (Collins Big Cat)
'A' LEVEL & GCSE REVISION NOTES: Shakespeare's MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING: 'A rare parrot-teacher'
Assessment: What's In It For Schools?
GCSE REVISION NOTES FOR STEPHEN KELMAN'S PIGEON ENGLISH - Study guide: All chapters, page-by-page analysis
Selection Certification and Control: Social Issues in Educational Assessment