books by author

Wagner and Philosophy

Critical Studies: The Poetry of William Wordsworth

War Brides

Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise Part 3

Pitman 2000 SHORTHAND Skill Book

Anatomy & Physiology for Emergency Care

"Measure for Measure", William Shakespeare (Critical Essays S.)

Modern British Philosophy

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry

Steam: Museum of the Great Western Railway

Brain Plasticity and Behavior (Distinguished Lecture Series)

Winners and Losers (Choices)

Or Else: Stories of Conflict (Choices)

Saxons, Vikings, and Celts: The Genetic Roots of Britain and Ireland

The Mystery of Faith: Meditations on the Eucharist

Critical Studies: Paradise Lost

Diseases of the Nervous System

D-Day (My Story)

Eye Can Write: A memoir of a child's silent soul emerging

An Introduction to Brain and Behaviour

Jackomoora and the King of Ireland's Son

The Red Virgin and the Vision of Utopia

A Divided Life

Fandango and Other Stories (Russian Library)

Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry 3rd Edition plus CD

Need to Know: Asthma Hardback

Health And Fitness: How Does Adolescence Affect Me?

Atlas of Chest Infections

Taming of the Shrew: First Quarto of "Taming of a Shrew" (Shakespearean Originals - First Editions)