books by author

The Racehorse (Saddle Club)

Tash's Secrets (Hippo Cafe Club # 6)

Horse Sense

Horse Power

Trail Mates: No. 5 (Saddle Club)

PM Plus Orange 15 Fiction Mixed Pack (10): The Rocket Ship PM PLUS Orange 15

Ruth Tells the Truth (Leapfrog Rhyme Time)

Who's At The Zoo? (Reading Corner)
The best of the brothers Grimm
The best of Hans Christian Andersen

Day by Day with C.H.Spurgeon

Age of Elegance, 1812-22

Seed Physiology: No 165 (Studies in Biology)


Backyard Fish Farming

The Complete Guide to Property Investing Success

Set in a Silver Sea: v. 1 (A History of Britain & the British People)

Tag! (Tadpoles)


Biology of Respiration (Studies in Biology)

The River within

Horse Play: No. 7 (Saddle Club)

Towards a New Constituional Settlement

"A" Level Passbook (Key Facts)

Hockey for Schools

My World


Let's Dance (Leapfrog Rhyme Time)

Dragons V Dinos (Race Ahead With Reading)