books by author

The Kebra Nagast: The Glory of Kings

Book Dead Refer Penguin

The Changing British Political System: Into the 1990's

Egyptian Magic (Arkana S.)

Egyptian Ideas of the Afterlife

Legends of the Egyptian Gods: Hieroglyphic Texts and Translations

Egyptian Book Of The Dead

Anne of Avonlea (Puffin Classics Relaunch)

The Mummy, The: A History of the Extraordinary Practices of Ancient Egypt: Funereal Rites and Customs in Ancient Egypt

Parties and Democracy: Coalition Formation and Government Functioning in Twenty States (Comparative Politics)

The New British Politics

"Good Housekeeping" Household Hints (Practical library series)

The New British Politics

The Politics of the New Europe: Atlantic to Urals

TheRosetta Stone by Budge, Sir E. A. Wallis ( Author ) ON Jul-01-1990, Paperback

An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary Volume 2: With an Index of English Words, King List, a Geographical List with Indexes, List of Hieroglyphic Characters