books by author

The Master and Margarita: Mikhail Bulgakov
Master and Margarita (Flamingo S.)

The Heart Of A Dog

Country Doctor's Notebook

Heart of a Dog (Picador Books)

White Guard

Black Snow: A Theatrical Novel

White Guard


Master and Margarita (Flamingo S.)

The Master and Margarita (Vintage Magic)

The Master And Margarita (Penguin Modern Classics)

A Country Doctor's Notebook

The White Guard

A Dead Man's Memoir: A Theatrical Novel (Penguin Classics)

Country Doctors Notebooks


The Master and Margarita (Vintage Magic)

The Master and Margarita

The Master and Margarita (Vintage Classic Russians Series): Mikhail Bulgakov

The Master and Margarita: Russian version

The Master and Margarita: A Graphic Novel (Eye Classics)

The Master and Margarita

The Master and Margarita (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

The Master and Margarita (Penguin Classics)

The Master And Margarita

The Master and Margarita (Vintage Classics)

The White Guard

The Heart Of A Dog (Vintage Classics)