books by author

Practical Absorption Spectrometry: Ultraviolet Spectrometry Group: Techniques in Visible and Ultraviolet Spectrometry (Tertiary Level Biology)

The Seine

Gaining from Trade in Southern Africa: Complementary Policies to Underpin the SADC Free Trade Area

To the Point Anglais: Preparation Au Bac (Anglais Terminales)

The Roots of American Exceptionalism: Institutions, Culture, and Policies

Rocks and Minerals

Understanding Economics (Manchester Economic Project Satellite)

Peace Education in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies: Comparative Perspectives (Previous Publications)

Critical Reading in Language Education

Writing Degree Zero (Cape Editions)

Population and Development (Macmillan geography)

Population and Development (Macmillan geography)

Chairman's New Clothes: Mao and the Cultural Revolution

A Big Fat Pie (Reading World at Home S.)

The Book of herbs and Spices (St. MIchael)

Diaspora: Post-biblical History of the Jews

Marx and Marxism

Marx and Marxism

Bubbels: spraakmakende financiƫle crises uit de geschiedenis

The Mysterious Affair At Styles

Macular Degeneration Vision Improvement

Curriculum Mathematics Practice: Book 6


Multi-Detector Computed Tomography in Oncology: CT Perfusion Imaging

Neropolis: A Novel of Life in Nero's Rome


Haunted Showboat N15


You're Thinking About Doughnuts (Lions S.)