books by author
C. A.

Cambridge History World's Science

English Poems of George Herbert (Everyman's Univ. Pbs.)


Remaking the Modern World 1900 – 2015: Global Connections and Comparisons (Blackwell History of the World)

MCQ Tutor in Anaesthesia: Clinical Practice (Revision MCQs)

Pocket Examiner in Medicine (Pocket examiners)

Forsaken: Women from Taunton Talk About Abortion

Highways and Traffic (v. 1)

Coastal Management: Putting Policy into Practice

Friends Forever: 4 (Brownies)

Cell Biology (Molecular & Cell Biochemistry)

10 Ways to Cope with Boys

The Birth of the Modern World, 1780-1914: Global Connections and Comparisons (Blackwell History of the World)

Christmas Crackers

Supercomputing in Fluid Flow (International Series on Computational Engineering)

Jokes to Tell the Queen and Some Important Messages

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Marine Technology, ODRA 97, Held May 1997 in Szczecin, Poland: 2 (Marine Technology II)

Paradise Lost: Bk. 1 & 2 (The Macmillan Milton)

MCQ Tutor in Basic Sciences for Anaesthesia (Multiple choice questions)
MCQ Tutor in Anaesthesia: Clinical Practice (Revision MCQs)

Peripheral Nerve Blockade

The Astronomical Significance of Stonehenge

Ethology and Psychopharmacology

No Way am I Living with Her!

Perfect Promise: Bk. 1 (Brownies)

Screen Stars (Glitter Girls)

Managing Change in Organisations

Pocket Examiner in Medicine

Rise of Scientific Europe 1500-1800