books by author
Camilla de la Bedoyere

Why Why Why...Did Knights wear heavy Armour?

Wild Animals (Ripley's Twists)

I am a monkey (Animal Planet)

Discovery of DNA (Milestones in Modern Science) (Milestones in Modern Science S.)
Egg to Chicken

Horses and Ponies Handbook (Handbooks)

Balancing Work and Play (Healthy Lifestyles)
Snakelet to snake

Seed to Sunflower (Lifecycles)
Acorn to Oak Tree

Pup to Shark (Lifecycles)

Why Why Why...Did Pirates bury their treasure?
The invisible world of plants

Discover the Mega World (Discovery Channel)

I am a penguin (I am a... Series)

British Birds Handbook (The Wildlife Trust): 224 Page Identification Book Packed with Interesting Statistics and Facts (British Handbooks)

I am a lizard (I am a... Series)

Biggest and Smallest (Animal Opposites)

Zoom! The Invisible World of Plants

Children's Encyclopedia Earth
The Invisible World of Plants
Wild Animals First Q & A
Caterpillar to Butterfly
Acorn to Oak Tree

Discover the Awesome World (Discovery Channel) (Discover the World S.)

100 Facts Bears – Bitesized Facts & Awesome Images to Support KS2 Learning
Dinosaurs First Q & A

Why Why Why...Were the Pyramids built?